понедельник, 20 октября 2008 г.

abbotsleigh school fees

Pizza today at my house was crrrazyyy. Lol. 8 boxes, 1 box of seafood, 7 boxes of hawaiian. We kids just love Hawaiian pizza (:

Spent the last 1 hour or so typing the stupid powerpoint for my oral presentation. But Iapos;ve decided to dedicate the last hour of my apos;16 years oldapos; to writing something, and listening YUI. Itapos;s Happy Line is playing now, Iapos;m thinking of you.

Tomorrow never knows, Itapos;s Happy Line~

IP.S. Iapos;d probably continue this... Sorry Yanyue... I didnapos;t have time to source for pretty pictures today. LOL.

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воскресенье, 19 октября 2008 г.

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Tol you I hate it when people hit it at my core. Esp...when they knew EXACTLY what can cripple me...and yet still chose to do it.

I consider that apos;dirt playapos;

I DO NOT tolerate that.

Friends do not hurt�one another like that. Friends protect

And, when apos;friendsapos; did it once...I forgive and forget. But when apos;friendsapos; did it again...I�ponder.�The ULTIMATE has gotta be when "friend"�apos;hit-and-runapos;

I consider that "unscrupulous". Friends do not harm one another.� Friends share and bear. Friends correct and grow. Friends honour and protect


A recent happening brought me to�re-look Life and people all over again.���

A painful way through Godapos;s�beloved son....not Jesus, but R.


I stand firm�in honour of the lovely�character, gifts and�body God has blessed me with. I�cherish friendship�but I�do not condone abuse. I honour Love but not betrayal. I love God and hope you truly do too.

God loves you.�God loves�me.

God knows everything.

God is Love,

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dr vanek


Iapos;m so fucking mad at people I donapos;t even know right now.

I live in Arkansas for nearly 10 years, My first daughter was born there. I graduated high school from there, My brother and his wife graduated from the University of Arkansas. My folks still live in Arkansas.

I currently live in Kentucky. Iapos;ve been here for over 8 years. My other kids are from Kentucky.

So one would figure that my 2 favorite college football teams would be the University of Arkansas and the University of Kentucky.

They would be right, I make it a point to try and watch each of the Cats and The Hogs games when they are on tv. Iapos;ve even watched the tape delayed UK games when I missed the live broadcast or it wasnapos;t on tv.

Last time The Razorbacks played in Lexington, I went to the game with a friend of mine. Wearing a Razorback shirt a UK jacket and a UK hat with my UA hat in my pocket. I told my friend that I didnapos;t know who to root for and that I wished the game would end in a tie.

I left that game after the end of the 5th overtime totally pleased that I had gotten my wish. Arkansas wound up winning the game 71 to 63.

Fast forward 5 years. Itapos;s 2008 and again my 2 favorite teams are playing 4 miles from my house. Wish I could had gone to the game, but times are tight this year, plus weapos;ve got Avery and itapos;s difficult for us to leave her anywhere for extended periods of time.

Iapos;m scanning the Insight Cable Guide for what channel and when the game will be on. I finally find it at 7pm on ESPNU. Not a channel in my current package, Iapos;d have to upgrade the sports package to get ESPNU.

But WKYT is going to show the tape delayed broadcast at 11:30. Well I can watch it for free at 11:30. We had company over who does not care for football, so it would work out.

11:30 rolls around and I switch over to WKYT. Sports news from the day

11:40 the same, local colleges, SEC teams.

I had avoided watching any football (missing the amazing Texas-Missouri game, Texas being probably my 3rd favorite team) so I wouldnapos;t see who won UA-UK.

11:50 still showing highlights of the days games

I keep switching off of it so I donapos;t get spoiled when they do start showing the game. By this time Ann had called and said "Did you see that game???" Iapos;m yelling back at her "No and I donapos;t want to know, any minute now WKYT will show it and Iapos;ll watch it when it starts and Iapos;ve avoided all football this evening to make sure I could see the game with still virgin eyes.

12:00 some commercial comes on

12:05 the same commercial is on

12:15 the same goddamned commercial is on

12:30 look a new commercial

12:40 the same fucking commercial

12:45 Insight customer support "I donapos;t know why, Iapos;ll escalate this and they will call the station and try and find out and itapos;ll be fixed.

1:00 fucking AM in the morning some movie, that I have no clue what it is, about a bunch of English speaking Mexicans in south America and the South American cops and some kid that looks like he hasnapos;t ever had a bath or even knows what soap is

1:30 Still fucking Mexicans on my TV instead of the game, that the Insight still says "College Football Arkansas vs Kentucky"

1:45 "Yes, WKYT program manager. My tv is showing some fucking Mexican movie instead of what the guide says is the UA UK football game that I had planned my entire evening about. Iapos;m very upset at this."

2:00 Sweetheart, see if you can find anything about it online. Maybe itapos;s on ESPN360 which is their video feed and they show replays of games. No, not UA-UK.

2:30 can you search the internet for anything, I still donapos;t want to know what the score is.

3:00 Fine tell me the score

After spending 2 hours searching today, ESPNU is going to show a replay, this coming Thursday and either 3 or 4 PM


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суббота, 18 октября 2008 г.

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Lol, wow. Just finished Sam and Dean for this week. Oh that was great. This show is so much damn fun oh dean..that line..that was just...that was sad, boy, that was sad...lol and except for the whole killing the innocent schtick, that shapeshifter was great lol, rehymenated...oh gods. Ok, so all of his scars are gone...but the tattoo stayed--which is good of course, keeps him from being possessed--but..so, like i dunno, train got lost. Yeah, ok. And lol, their faces when they talk to ed sam looked fucking scared of the insanity XD oh gods. Ok..so now i need to try and wind down after that and go to bed. Heh, yeah right. Oh that was funny. Yeah. Almost hurt myself snorting to keep quiet...
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пятница, 17 октября 2008 г.

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Two-hundred years ago, the common man spent his free time at the local tavern, discussing revolution with his friends over a few bottles of wine. Nowadays he sips on his coffee at Starbucks, talking to his wife in phone while his mates from work corrects their collars, discussing career and family life. To quote a good friend of mine - "Weapos;ve just gone through an industrial revolution. It makes sense to me that an intellectual comes next in line."
Amen to that brother, amen.
Iapos;m fed up with how we choose to live our lives through a hourglass- raising our kids with the ways of suffocating their inner dreams by aiming for a "career" instead of stimulating their own wishes. Is it really righteous to fill our children with hope of success and money, when we could� teach them about the power of perspectives and creativity?

- Vincent

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TMA tonight This will be my first weekend-long LARP, so very exciting. And nervous-making. *g* So on one hand, while I donapos;t want to schlep myself to class, on the other hand we are going over meditation techniques today, which should help me get my zen on.

Note to self: Eat something before leaving. I tend to lose appetite when excited, which means I might not eat all weekend. Seriously, ask me how many meals I had at the last Arisia, Intercon Midatlantic and Intercon H.

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For the first time in a long time, I do have a pet. I have a dog, a chocolate lab puppy named Flea.

Flea is a great little puppy. I adopted him from a shelter when he was about a month old. Iapos;m worried about how big he is going to get, but for now heapos;s pretty small. Heapos;s done his obedience training, gotten his shots and usually does what heapos;s told. He doesnapos;t bite, he licks. Heapos;s sometimes messy, sometimes loud, and always friendly. Sometimes heapos;s too hyper and I just want to scream but usually he gets enough attention that heapos;s pretty good about containing his energy. He loves to play frisbee but heapos;s scared of tennis balls. He had a bad experience at the park with a couple of little kids being too enthusiastic about playing fetch and have no aim whatsoever.

His best friend is Laurenapos;s duck, Goose. They constantly vie for attention. Sometimes Flea is too rough with Goose and gets pecked but heapos;s learning. Goose usually isnapos;t so thrilled to get puppy kisses, Iapos;m trying to work on that. He ruffles out his feathers and gets in a mood and Iapos;m worried that Flea is starting to think thatapos;s his affectionate stance. Iapos;ve got to fix that. Iapos;m hoping to teach him to give Goose puppy-back rides, but thatapos;s not gone over too well thus far.

I adore curling up with the kids, Goose and Flea that is, and my girl, Lauren, and just hanging out. Itapos;s a really weird kind of family but itapos;s ours and I love it.
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четверг, 16 октября 2008 г.

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01) Are you currently in a serious relationship?
yeah. Iapos;ve been with my person for two or three or four years now? probably almost four.
02) What was your dream growing up?
I wanted to be an artist mainly. I went through phases where I wanted to be a stewardess, a ballerina, an orchestra conductor, a journalist.
03) What talent do you wish you had?
I wish I was better business-wise, and I wish I was better organized. I also wish I spoke a foreign language fluently.
04) If I bought you a drink what would it be?
it would be either something blue and fruity, or a makers mark
05) Favorite vegetable?
06) What was the last book you read?
I only read textbooks, and it was Rhetoric in Popular Culture
07) What zodiac sign are you?
08) Any Tattoos and/or Piercings? Explain where.
09) Worst Habit?
easily annoyed, moody
10) If you saw me walking down the street would you offer me a ride?
whoever it was, Iapos;d assume they wanted to walk. That they were walking on purpose. If I saw anyone slumped down on a curb crying Iapos;d be more likely to pull over for them.
11) What is your favorite sport?
I dont care about any sports
12) Do you have a Pessimistic or Optimistic attitude?
actually probably pessimistic, generally. Personally.
13) What would you do if you were stuck in an elevator with me?
14) Worst thing to ever happen to you?
Iapos;m not sure. Who wants to talk about stuff like that??
15) Tell me one weird fact about you.
Iapos;m extremely afraid of trying new foods
16) Do you have any pets?
I have a cat named turbo and a dog at home named scout
17) What if I showed up at your house unexpectedly?
first person questions dont work because Iapos;m doing it wrong
18) What was your first impression of me?
19) Do you think clowns are cute or scary?
20) If you could change one thing about how you look, what would it be?
no acne
21) Would you be my crime partner or my conscience?
I dont like to be partners but I dont like to tell people what to do either.
22) What color eyes do you have?
23) Ever been arrested?
24) Bottle or can soda?
25) If you won $10,000 today, what would you do with it?
save it. Maybe invest it.
26) Favorite band to listen to when youapos;re mad?
I just call will allard and ask him to tell me a story
27) Whatapos;s your favorite place to hang out at?
on the internet
28) Do you believe in ghosts?
29) Favorite thing to do in your spare time?
read magazines
30) Do you swear a lot?
31) Biggest pet peeve?
people who are controlling of anything. People who think there are rules on the internet.
32) In one word, how would you describe yourself?
33) Do you believe/appreciate romance?
oh yes.
34) Favourite and least favourite food?
favorite: bread
least favorite: anything else
35) Do you believe in God?
36) Will you repost this so I can fill it out and do the same for you?
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demise ku tan

Iapos;m really happy. Really, really, really happy. Why?

�Remember geeky guy? The one Iapos;ve gone out with a few times? Yeah. Heapos;s cute in a gangly, nerdy way. Heapos;d legally blind so he canapos;t drive and has to use a magnifying glass to see anything on the menu. Heapos;s sweet, opens doors and had a great sense of humor. Heapos;s not into pressuring me to do things with him at all. The most weapos;ve done is shaken hands on our fifth date together.

�So I was basically thinking that maybe I�had it all wrong- what if we werenapos;t dating?�What if, instead, we were just friends and I had thought to much of it?�Then of course facebook to the rescue:�he messages me, asking if I would mind making our outing tomorrow a double date? Of course my eyes pick out the word DATE as if it were huge and red. So I say yes, but still. A double date can be two pairs of friends, Iapos;ve done that before. Then I read his status today:

�Rob Insert Last Name is really excited about his date tomorrow.

�I�canapos;t stop smiling again.

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